Public Charging Stations: Think it Twice!

I conform with the article’s point regarding the likelihood of juicejacking in public charging stations. It is really not that safe since we are not sure of the type of charger used in it and there is possibilty of information transfer and identity theft. It is not reliable enough especially that we are not knowleadgeable of the purpose of the USB cable used.

If possible, warning signs should be posted in order for people to be aware of the purposes of the USB cable in the chargers,this is for them to not be oblivious that files and other documents on the phone can be transferred and is susceptible to hacking and theft. We should be observant of this signs and warningd to reduce the potential occurence of such acts.

If I would be running low in battery and I really need my phone, I would probably charge in public charging station only if I know that it is for charging purposes only. Before charging, I would ask someone reliable if the USB used in the station is not for other purposes aside from charging. If it is, I would make sure to have a security protection on my phone and lock it to prevent synching data from the device.

Despite of the pros that public charging stations can offfer us, we should not be ignorant of the fact that their are security and information issues in using such service. Being well-informed with this issue is one good way for us to not be involve and be trouble with this situation.

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