A TECH Review

Video Streaming – YOUTUBE

An application or service where users can watch, like, share, comment and upload videos. The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and via mobile phones. It has the following key features that I really like: (1) Can create playlists to organize videos and group videos together. This is for easier access to those videos that I want to watch (2) Can download videos for offline use. Enables me to watch videos even without internet connection as long as it is downloaded. (3) Have a Safety Mode option for secured streaming and pevent watching explicit videos. (4) Displays the videos from our favorite channels.This is very favorable to me since I easily watch videos that is of my interest. (5) Create own channel and upload videos. (6) Have 360° videos and better quality of video streaming.

Music Streaming- SPOTIFY

An application which offers millions of songs from various artists, genres and language of our own choice. It help me to discover songs, albums, and podcasts all over the world. What I loved about it is that: (1) Allows downloading of music for offline use. This enables me to listen to music even if I dont have internet connection(2) Offers curated playlists and podcast for every mood or genre I like. (3)Make and share own playlists.


Is a 5×5 virtual match with co-players. A game where I choose a hero and build teams together with comrades to a match with the opposing team. It is a battle of tactics and strategy to win the game which is through devastating the base. Key Features that I like with ML includes: (1) Live streaming of matches. I can enjoy watching other matches through this feature(2) Quick Matchmaking. This lessens hassle of waiting for game to start.(3) Variety of Heroes. Gives you numerous choice of heroes to use in the game. (4) Simple Controls that are easy to master (5) Smart Offline AI assistamce that reconnects me to the game whenever I get disconnected.


A fast workout app that provides daily routine of exercises of specific body part you want to improve. It requires no equipment and can be performed anytime or anywhere of your comfort. I was fond of this app because (1) It records training progress automatically so that I can keep track of the frequeny of my wotkout (2) Can customize workout reminder (3) Detailed Video and Animation guides that shows how a spevific routine should be done.

Possibly, I would try to use other apps aside from those apps I have listed. This is for me to assess the features that other apps could offer and compare it to those that I’m using. This is to know if the apps I’m currently utilizing have the best features that I could greatly benefit from. Lots of apps and features but there would only be one which could fit what i really need.

Public Charging Stations: Think it Twice!

I conform with the article’s point regarding the likelihood of juicejacking in public charging stations. It is really not that safe since we are not sure of the type of charger used in it and there is possibilty of information transfer and identity theft. It is not reliable enough especially that we are not knowleadgeable of the purpose of the USB cable used.

If possible, warning signs should be posted in order for people to be aware of the purposes of the USB cable in the chargers,this is for them to not be oblivious that files and other documents on the phone can be transferred and is susceptible to hacking and theft. We should be observant of this signs and warningd to reduce the potential occurence of such acts.

If I would be running low in battery and I really need my phone, I would probably charge in public charging station only if I know that it is for charging purposes only. Before charging, I would ask someone reliable if the USB used in the station is not for other purposes aside from charging. If it is, I would make sure to have a security protection on my phone and lock it to prevent synching data from the device.

Despite of the pros that public charging stations can offfer us, we should not be ignorant of the fact that their are security and information issues in using such service. Being well-informed with this issue is one good way for us to not be involve and be trouble with this situation.

Be TECHnologically Responsible

“Anything that is too much is scary”

As a 21st century learner, I have made a lot of use of any form of technology from mobile phones to computer and laptops. These have made my life easier in many ways such as for communication, educational purposes and of course for recreation. However, there are times that I overused such tools that should be for my betterment but because of proper time management and lack self discipline in using it , this hindered me to become productive. I became physically unstable due to inadequate sleep and is inactive in my daily works.

But of course there is room for change. Now, I am using my mobile phone not as much as I used to. I only utilized this whenever I need to search for something that is for school purposes such as assignments and projects. Also for contacting to my loved ones especially now that i’m kilometres away from them. Moreover, I alot at most 1 hour in using social media unlike in the past where I have devoted almost 3 hours in using it. I can now sustain a day without having to use my phone. This is made possible through being responsible in the use of technology.

We should bare in mind that technology was invented to provide us an easier medium to communicate and have access to various information and as well to have a tool for us to enjoy and break free from all the negativity in life but this does not mean that we should let it overpower our actions and works. We should be able to use it wisely and efficiently for the good of ourselves and others. Thus, we should be a Tech Responsible Persons.